The enclosure is built using OpenBuilds aluminum extrusion V-Slot profiles, with standard screws, nuts and joints.
As illustrated in the picture below, the main frame supports both the filter wheel and the incubator box. It also supports the camera using a 3D printed tilt & pan support.
- 1 1/4 x 8mm Flexible Coupling
- 1 12V 30A DC Regulated Power Supply
- 1 220Ω resistors
- 1 3D printed V-Slot support
- 1 4N26 optocoupler
- 1 8mm Lead Screw
- 1 Anti-Backlash Nut Block
- 1 Arduino Mega2560 + Shield
- 1 BuckPuck DC LED Driver
- 12 Drop In Tee Nuts
- 1 Edelkrone FlextTILT Head 3D
- 1 GT2 Timing Belt Closed-Loop 200mm
- 2 Limit Switch
- 2 Linear rail shaft rods
- Many Low Profile M5 Screws
- 2 Mount Plate - NEMA 17 Stepper Motor
- 2 NEMA 17 Stepper Motor
- 4 OpenBuilds V-Slot 20x20x200 Linear Rail
- 6 OpenBuilds V-Slot 20x20x250 Linear Rail
- 4 OpenBuilds V-Slot 20x20x500 Linear Rail
- 3 OpenBuilds V-Slot 20x40x250 Linear Rail
- 5 OpenBuilds V-Slot 20x40x500 Linear Rail
- 1 OpenBuilds V-Slot 40x40x500 Linear Rail
- 1 PhidgetInterfaceKit 8/8/88
- 2 PhidgetStepper Bipolar HC
- 24 Tee Nuts - M5
- 1 V-Slot Gantry Plate - 20mm
Step 1: Build main frame
- As illustrated below, the main frame is built used the following linear rails:
OpenBuilds V-Slot 20x20x500 Linear Rail
OpenBuilds V-Slot 20x20x200 Linear Rail
OpenBuilds V-Slot 20x20x250 Linear Rail
OpenBuilds V-Slot 20x40x500 Linear Rail
OpenBuilds V-Slot 20x40x250 Linear Rail
OpenBuilds V-Slot 40x40x500 Linear Railattached together using Low Profile M5 Screws, Tee Nuts - M5 and Drop In Tee Nuts.

Step 2: Incubator support (Z-Axis)
The incubator box is built using 3mm acrylic with an OpenBuilds V-Slot 20x40x250 Linear Rail frame (see incubator module).
To move the incubator box vertically we use a linear actuator built using two Linear rail shaft rods supported with an Anti-Backlash Nut Block attached to a 8mm Lead Screw.
Attach the NEMA 17 Stepper Motor to the frame using Mount Plate - NEMA 17 Stepper Motor and to the 8mm Lead Screw using a 1/4 x 8mm Flexible Coupling.
Attach the Limit Switch to complete the Z-Axis assembly
Step 3: Filter wheel support (F-Axis)
To rotate the filter wheel (see illumination module) we use a GT2 Timing Belt Closed-Loop 200mm.
First, 3D Print 3D printed V-Slot support to attach the filter wheel to the V-slot.
Download STL/filter_wheel_shaft_bottom.stl
Download STL/filter_wheel_shaft_top.stl
Download STL/filter_wheel_shaft_spacer.stl
Then attach the NEMA 17 Stepper Motor to the horizontal V-Slot using a Mount Plate - NEMA 17 Stepper Motor. Do not tighten the screws yet as they will need to be adjusted.
To determine both the location of the filter wheel and stepper motors, first attach the 3D printed V-Slot support such that the camera is aligned with the filter cubes. Then attach the stepper motor such that its distance to the filter wheel renders the closed loop timing belt tense (but not too much!)
Attach the Limit Switch to the main frame. Adjust its position such that the filter wheel reaches all cube positions and does not interfere with the timing belt.
Step 4: Camera support
- To place the DSLR camera in the frame, we use an Edelkrone FlextTILT Head 3D attached to a vertical OpenBuilds C-Beam Linear Rail 500mm using a V-Slot Gantry Plate - 20mm. This allows us to adjust the height of the camera and control its pan and tilt in order to easily align with the filter cubes.
- Camera shutter is controlled using a 4N26 optocoupler and 220Ω resistors.
Step 5: Electronics case
- Download files for laser cutting on a 5mm thick sheet (requires approx 300 x 150mm):
Attach the Arduino Mega2560 + Shield, PhidgetInterfaceKit 8/8/88, BuckPuck DC LED Driver, 4N26 optocoupler and PhidgetStepper Bipolar HC to the acrylic.
Connect cables and attach an electronics case to the bottom-left part of the main frame. The wiring schematics is illustrated in:
Put the 12V 30A DC Regulated Power Supply in the bottom-right part of the main frame.
Finally, for protection, cover the front and top of the electronics case with 5mm acrylic.